


Sunday Morning at the Pigeon Forge conference, Matt Poole preached on the importance of developing a root system to sustaining a healthy Christian life. Let's rehash some thoughts on roots...The roots of a plant have two basic purposes:Purpose # 1: Roots are the part of the plant that ATTACH it to the ground.Purpose # 2: Roots CONNECT water and nourishment to the rest of the plant. So how does th... »

Arrogantly Humble

I am often amazed at those who seek to apologize for me when they have never met me.  I am often perplexed when I am informed of all that i am doing wrong by those who have no clue what I am doing. Frankly, those who are so “humble” that they rebuke what they assume […] »

Don’t Forget Us

Don’t Forget Us

Whispering through the treesI hear the sound of voices,Telling tales my ancestors toldLong ago.They lived,Worked,Played,And died here in these woods.And they still live,Through me,Every time I make my way home from the city.This poem © Kevin Walker. P... »

New TBN Program Takes Gospel to Prisoners

With more than 2 million adults serving time in America’s prison system, there is a great need for programs that bring hope and encouragement to men, women and youth behind bars. The world’s largest religious broadcaster is meeting that need throug... »