If Adam’s sin surprised God, is God sovereign? If God…
If Adam’s sin surprised God, is God sovereign? If God wasn’t surprised, in fact ordained it to be, is God just in punishing Adam’s sin? »
If Adam’s sin surprised God, is God sovereign? If God wasn’t surprised, in fact ordained it to be, is God just in punishing Adam’s sin? »
Logical Arguments for (Christian) God The Universe is not eternal. How do we know God is eternal? Nothing material contingent and moving can be eternal. Something must exist. Unless you deny everything. Even a crazy person must admit, you need a doubter, and something must exist, to doubt something. Can something come out of nothing? Never. Unless is coming from God. God is the only being capable ... »
“The Child of God” Wednesday Evening Service – 04/14/2021 Pastor D. R. Shortridge »
[https://barryhisblog.blogspot.com/p/russells-celestial-eapot.html](https://barryhisblog.blogspot.com/p/russells-celestial-eapot.html) From “Is there a God?” by Bertrand Russell, * Many orthodox people speak as though it were the business of sceptics to disprove received dogmas rather than of dogmatists to prove them. This is, of course, a mistake. If I were to suggest that between the... »