
One man and God make a majority!

One man and God make a majority! »

When a COG man lets his hair grow long and…

When a COG man lets his hair grow long and a COG woman cuts her hair short that is a matter of their hearts! It is a decision made before God and man. It is a message! »

A man letting his hair grow grow long and a…

A man letting his hair grow grow long and a woman cutting her hair short is like a divorce. People are going to do it anyway and defend their actions as “God approved”! It is due to the hardening of the heart! The Church of God has dropped it’s beliefs about hair and divorce. At least there is no preaching against such views. »

A homosexual man has filed a $70 million lawsuit against the BIBLE

A homosexual man has filed a $70 million lawsuit against Bible publishers Zondervan and Thomas Nelson, alleging that their version of the Bible that... »