
Peace unto all, How was this and similar images determined…

Peace unto all, How was this and similar images determined…

Peace unto all, How was this and similar images determined as pictures representing G-d/Lord/Son of God? »

He Is Risen! Consolidated some videos on the evidence of…

He Is Risen! Consolidated some videos on the evidence of…

He Is Risen! Consolidated some videos on the evidence of the resurrection. »

I am a christian, I believe in Christ Jesus and…

I am a christian, I believe in Christ Jesus and the Bible as the inspired book. My question: why do we put crosses in our church buildings? Do we believe in the Risen Christ or the one still Hanging on the cross? #constructive »

Prophecies About Jesus An EXTREMELY important evidence supporting Jesus’ Divinity…

Prophecies About Jesus An EXTREMELY important evidence supporting Jesus’ Divinity…

Prophecies About Jesus – EVERYTHING You Need to Know. [https://welcometotruth.com/blogs/apologetics/prophecies-about-jesus](https://welcometotruth.com/blogs/apologetics/prophecies-about-jesus) Prophecies About Jesus An EXTREMELY important evidence supporting Jesus’ Divinity was the prophecies that He fulfilled. It is absolutely astounding when you begin to track down each of these Old ... »