
A Genocide in Our Midst

A Genocide in Our Midst

by Rev. Neil Steven Lawrence, M.Div. Black Lives Matter, right? Yet, more than 28% of all black pregnancies end in induced abortion.  Almost 50% of the 64 million babies slaughtered by abortion in the United States since 1973 were African-American. More African-American babies have been murdered by abortions since 1973 than the total number of African-American … A Genocide in Our Midst Read More ... »

Faith, Grace and work. …..…………. God save me please. to…

Faith, Grace and work. …..…………. God save me please. to God the Father whose image is the son that was slain on the Calvary whom we know as Jesus Christ in the union of will of the Spirit of the Father which was obviously seen in the son be glorified forever Amen. May be you have been told or taught about what you need to do to be saved. many theories tries to explain the tr... »

Recap: Second Day of Fighting

Recap: Second Day of Fighting

Over the past 24 hours, the IDF continued with Operation Pillar of Defense, targeting dozens of rocket launching sites, inflicting severe damage to the rocket launching capabilities of terror organizations operating in the Gaza Strip. In addition, IAF aircraft targeted Related posts: IDF Targeting 70 Underground Launching Sites in Gaza In Response to Rocket Fire, IAF Targets Terror Activity Sit... »

BLOCK all Satanic and demonic activities!

In the name of Jesus Christ, I forbid and BLOCK all Satanic and demonic activities from transferring to me, any of my family, or... »