
THR3E PART 2  |  The Way, The Truth, The Life

THR3E PART 2 | The Way, The Truth, The Life

The way you’re going to go has already been traveled and the 3rd day power of resurrection is working in you but if we aren’t careful it will be easier for us to believe that we are a target for the enemy rather than a target for the blessings of God. You are here on purpose for a purpose. »

THR3E PART 1  |  It Is Finished

THR3E PART 1 | It Is Finished

Everywhere that Jesus went he was aligning the kingdom and throughout scripture we can see how the number 3 was significant in much of this. 3 nails. 3 words. 3 keys. 3 days. The King of glory that has all power and is alive and well. 3 more words reveal this…”He has risen!” »

Part 21 – Forerunners of the Return – Red Letters

Part 21 – Forerunners of the Return – Red Letters

Source: Jesus was an organizational genius. Our study today will deal with Jesus training “The Seventy” on how to be His advance team for future ministry locations. From this passage we get a good look at how to organize and evangelistic meeting in a new place and we are also reminded that we are God’s advance team for the coming of the Lord. We ... »

The Voice of God

The Voice of God
