
7 Reasons We Must Not Give Up on Wayward or Unsaved Loved Ones

I heard another story this week of a believer who’s been praying a long time for a non-believing loved one or a prodigal son. I hear these stories enough that I hope this post is helpful to you as you (1) wait and pray, or (2) shepherd others who are waiting and praying. Maybe one... The post 7 Reasons We Must Not Give Up on Wayward or Unsaved Loved Ones appeared first on Church Answers. »

Seven Reasons to Go by Floyd McClung

That world is covered in spiritual darkness. Four billion people out of the 6.9 billion on this planet never heard the good news of Jesus, and are separated from Him by spiritual darkness, and even in some cases, deep deception. I have listed the reaso... »

3 Reasons To Be Skeptical of End Times Teachers

Earlier this month, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) sat down with Jan Markell, radio host of Understanding the Times, and discussed President Barack Obama’s September decision to support vetted Syrian rebels, who she calls terrorists, with equipment and training. In this discussion she said, “This happened and as of today the United States is willingl... »

TOP reasons to believe in a pre-trib rapture

While it is hard to settle on the three major reasons for my belief in the pre-trib rapture, I think one of the greatest supports of the pre-trib view is the preponderance of evidence when everything is considered. While I believe there are some key evidences as I will illustrate below, its the overall impact of the many evidences that add to my conviction of the pre-trib view. Perhaps this in its... »