
Somewhere Else

Everyday,I walk around doing allThe things I'm "supposed to do."All the whileI'm really not even there.Physically present, sure,I'll give you that.But in my daydreams I'm doing what I want,Not what I'm told.You see,I learned a long, long time ago,That ... »

A New Year

The banner waves in the breezeBringing hope of new days,New victories,New life,To this once proud team.The songs begin to play,In the background filledWith anxious peopleLooking less like fansAnd more like loversSick from infidelity and frozen affectio... »

The Pain

Searing through myBody,Soul, andMind -It comes again,And again,Never leaving,Never lessening,Never slowing down.I wish it were physicalPain vibrating throughMy body -But, instead, it's so much more.It's the pain of love,Of loss,Of her turning away.The ... »

Compassion Am I

I just realized that I want to be compassionate.  However, I don’t wish to just be compassionate, I want to be seen as compassionate. I feel as if I have compassion at times, but I know that is not enough.  Anyone can feel for someone or something in a moment, but what does it really [...] »