
This seems to be a very controversial topic at the…

This seems to be a very controversial topic at the moment and I’d love to hear what y’all have to say about it! “once saved always saved” Yes or no? Forgive me if this was recently posted or posted often, I didn’t see it if it was. Any scriptures would be greatly appreciated if you have them. »

This topic could really spark some conversation. I think it…

This topic could really spark some conversation. I think it…

This topic could really spark some conversation. I think it would be good for contributors to consult some material about this before engaging. I’ll provide some links below. How do you feel about the idea of POG (people outside the garden)? Discussion about an upcoming book by Joshua Swamidass and William Lane Craig. Discussion between Joshua Swamidass and Michael Jones (inspiring Philosophy) »

I know there has been discussion on this topic already…

I know there has been discussion on this topic already but it seemed conflicted. My daughters and I escaped horrific domestic violence that was physical, mental, and sexual.He also had numerous affairs. We actually are still in hiding as he still after four years stalks, harasses, and threatens. His parental rights were terminated by the state. He is no longer legally considered the father of my c... »

Syria is hot topic in Israel

Israeli officials are reportedly giving serious thought to reopening talks. Some Israeli reports suggest the two nations have been in contact behind the scenes through intermediaries such as Turkey and Germany. Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz confirmed Saturday that Israel has made use of a secret channel to communicate with Syria, but did not indicate what message was sent. On Friday, the Yed... »