
Visa Tweets om #holiness på Twitter. Se vad folk pratar…

Visa Tweets om #holiness på Twitter. Se vad folk pratar…

Visa Tweets om #holiness på Twitter. Se vad folk pratar om och delta i samtalet. »

Hey fellow Christ followers! Let’s get #Jesus trending on twitter by Easter! #ourcog #kidmin #winning #John3:16 #christianity #God #stumin

Hey fellow Christ followers! Let's get #Jesus trending on twitter by Easter! #ourcog #kidmin #winning #John3:16 #christianity #God #stumin »

ourCOG TAKEOVER (A Decade Later): The ourCOG Twitter Handle

ourCOG TAKEOVER (A Decade Later): The ourCOG Twitter Handle was launched on 18 October, 2010 at 06:08 AM Two years after the ourCOG social media was released successfully, it joined Twitter in October 2012 via its Original Twitter/Social Media Account of #ourCOG™ Media Team handle: @ourCOG This was done for the purpose of auto-archiving #ourCOG social stream using RSSteX proxies like FeedBurner and among many ... »

Twitter is the gift of TMI to the world. Were my gift to the world is shame for the TMI gift you give. #ourCOG #COG

Twitter is the gift of TMI to the world. Were my gift to the world is shame for the TMI gift you give. #ourCOG #COG »