Tuesday April 2: 28 Adar II

Traveling these days can be quite a hassle, particularly flying. You have the hassle of enduring long lines just to check in, and then deal with the same long lines to get through security. Then there’s the boarding process and all the bumping and shoving, and evading the oversized backpack that nearly smacks you in […] »

Angelic Reinforcements

Believers know that our spiritual authority over all the powers of the enemy is found in three warfare resources. First is the power of the Word of God. During the temptation, Jesus quoted three Scriptures located in the Torah (from Deuteronomy), to counter Satan’s temptation. The Word became a “sword” of the Spirit (Heb. 4:12). […] »

Thursday March 28: 23 Adar II

I recall a morning when I was sitting outside, having my morning coffee and reading the news. Eventually, I became interested in some small wrens who busily gathering twigs and paper to build their nests. As I was observing this, a few squirrels scurrying around and digging in the ground, looking for something, caught my […] »

Wednesday March 27: 22 Adar II

It was on this day in 1949 that Israel and Lebanon signed an armistice agreement, ceasing hostilities between them. These two very small countries have played a very large role in the history of the world, and in particular, biblical history. Israel, of course, needs no explanation, but Lebanon, too, has played a very important […] »