The 2011 Vision
The past week we have celebrated the first year serving at our current ministry assignment at Westmore Church of God in Cleveland, Tennessee. It’s been an eventful year getting adjusted to doing ministry in a new town with new people and living with your in-laws . We’ve had a lot of great experiences and have gotten to know some real good people.
I look forward to closing out a strong 2010 as we plan ahead for a great 2011! I’m excited and await, with great expectation, a fruitful new year. This week, I’ve finished writing up the 2011 vision, goals, calendar and budget for the children’s ministry. Habakkuk 2:2 says,
“ Write the vision
And make it plain on tablets,
That he may run who reads it.
So, here is our vision and goals for 2011 written plainly on one of my many “modern day tablets.”
We seek to establish norms within the culture of our church/ children’s ministry cultivating a family approach to discipleship through which we perform ministry together with the combined influences of church and family preparing us for the harvest God wills to send to Westmore Church of God as we endeavor to expand His Kingdom!
• Connect families i.e. parents, grandparents, children and members with the vision, to each other, to ministry and to mission
• Train families i.e. parents, grandparents, children and members to embrace vision and Christian community and to fulfill ministry and mission
• Provide opportunities for families i.e. parents, grandparents, children and members to adhere to vision and Christian community and fulfill ministry and mission
I’m ready to be used by God to “equip the saints for the working of ministry.” I’m ready for a ripe spiritual harvest this next year. I’m ready to be the man of God, husband, father, friend and pastor that God has called me to be. I’m ready to walk in and fulfill the heavenly vision God has given me.