This is a very sincere question. There’s what’s called “specified…
This is a very sincere question. There’s what’s called “specified complexity”.
Specified complexity is a term used to describe sequences which are both specific and complex simultaneously.An example is a watch. Have you ever seen all the moving parts within the inside of a watch? Without even the smallest of gears turning within this complex machine, the entire clock would be obsolete.
Every living organism has micro level “gears” if you will, which work in sequence to give the organism life. Without even the smallest of the “gears” within the biology of living organisms the life would die.. The examples of specified complexity within the human body alone is enough to question the theory of evolution, which organ evolved first in the first “living species”?
The heart or the lungs?
Do you believe a mammal can live without either of these working simultaneously? That requires more faith than believing a talking snake.. Specified complexity in the cell itself is enough to prove that life isn’t the result of a chaotic, naturalistic spontaneous miracle.
But unfortunately our skeptic friends hold to their pseudoscience fairytale.An atheist once asked me “creationism is only the lack of belief in evolution, why should we teach it In schools when all it’s founded on is debunking Evolution?” The answer is because the truth isn’t made, a Lie is. Therefor we use the already grounded truth to refute the made up lie such as “evolution” and “spontaneous eruption”..