Top Ten Things to Do Today (are tomorrow)
I had a little fun throughout the day compiling a list on my twitter account of the top ten thing to do today. I thought I’d share them just so I could see them all together. Twitter drives a preacher crazy – you can’t be long-winded on twitter
Who knows, perhaps this is a list worth repeating.
- Read Proverbs 17 (or the Proverb chapter of the day) and highlight all the verses about communication. (Successful people have learned to communicate well.)
- List the top three things that you MUST do today and then stay relentlessly focused on them unto they are completed. (Sustained focus = success)
- Do something to honor the most important person in your life. (Showing love is good / showing honor elevates your relationship to an entirely different level)
- Do something to raise the “joy factor” for those around you. / keep it fun! (Happy people are productive people.)
- Call a respected elder and ask for any advice that they would be willing to give. (Proverbs 8:3)
- Eat a wise lunch! Brain food; not nap food. The afternoon is won or lost over lunch.
- Take time to feed your soul by reading your Bible. A great app is @OliveTreeBible.com
- Take a stretch (a mini Sabbath) – you’re not a machine; you were meant to work & rest. This will help you refocus and finish strong.
- When you get home use this phrase often – “What do you think?” It is amazing what happens when we stop telling and start asking.
- Do something this evening that delights you. Life was not meant to be all duty, drudgery and danger – relax, rejoice and rest!