What glory does God get from bringing creatures into existence…
What glory does God get from bringing creatures into existence that He knows will do evil and suffer in torment for all eternity? How does that display God’s justice? Or His love?
Is it that even though God sees our future actions He has no choice but to create us? That He must do what He foresaw Himself doing?
Further still, it needs to be considered that our actions do not happen in a random fashion, with no rhyme or reason. Simply by chance.
There are reasons behind every choice and decision we make. And just as we did not choose to exist, and all that springs from that event, we also did not choose the reasons that would determine our choices and decisions.
Everything we are and do is a consequence and result of all prior events that led to our existence. And according to theology we are part of a grand purpose and plan whose ultimate author is God.
According to Scripture no one will boast in heaven and say, “I did it.” We must then assume that all those in hell will say, “I did it.”
“Free will carried many a soul to hell, but never a soul to heaven.”
– Charles Spurgeon