Why do boxers and #UFC fighters always take pictures before they fight that looks like they are going to kiss? #ourCOG ourCOG September 24, 2011 3:58 pm #ourCOG 0 Why do boxers and #UFC fighters always take pictures before they fight that looks like they are going to kiss? #ourCOG Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts I just noticed that my fellow workers are wearing cardigan sweaters. Now that is a trend I understand. Awesome #nywc #nywc11 #ourCOG #COGSloganIdeas: #CoG is the little caesars of Pentecostal church; our storefronts means its used to be the nice mall. #ourCOG Lee University Chapel – March 25, 2014 RT @Cog_Swagger: #ourCOG My great grandson just told me that Lamar Vest is no longer in youth ministry, I hope he does something with his life.