Why is it ok for everyone to take their Ipad to Church, but when I take my desktop to #starbuck and ask for a phone line… #ourCOG ourCOG December 2, 2011 5:01 pm #ourCOG 0 Why is it ok for everyone to take their Ipad to Church, but when I take my desktop to #starbuck and ask for a phone line… #ourCOG Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts CHARLOTTE, N.C. – On a mission to preserve the sanctity… The Apostolic Faith (October, 1906) http://goo.gl/fb/GEERK #ourCOG #mywinterfest to #ourCOG is the differences b/w the boys and the men; perhaps… http://goo.gl/fb/2pfng #ourCOG Donald Trump is now on YouTube http://goo.gl/TQqM9 #ourCOG #trump http://goo.gl/fb… http://goo.gl/fb/EcYtV #ourCOG