Why is it ok for everyone to take their Ipad to Church, but when I take my desktop to #starbuck and ask for a phone line… #ourCOG ourCOG December 2, 2011 5:01 pm #ourCOG 0 Why is it ok for everyone to take their Ipad to Church, but when I take my desktop to #starbuck and ask for a phone line… #ourCOG Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts #ourCOG was started in an awesome place-"their remoteness was measured by both miles and YEARS." Awe the good old days. #likeamightarmy 7 @perrystonevoe @MichaelHyatt @tentblogger @renovatuspastor @GabeTaviano http://WorldMissions.TV/ Released http://goo.gl/0WHHf #ourCOG Walter Brueggemann: Divine Presence Amid Violence | http://goo.gl/wFulE #ourCOG http… http://goo.gl/fb/nvlbS #ourCOG Caring for the Soul » Being Culturally Sensitive http://goo.gl/m826C #ourCOG