Year: 2006

Downtown Huntsville

Downtown Huntsville

I live in Huntsville. I like this city...sometimes. It is a great city that has a great mix of big city life (we have all the major restaurants: 2 Cracker Barrels, and coming soon a PF Changs. wooooohoooo!!!) and the quite country life. We have jus... »

The Secret Message of Jesus

The Secret Message of Jesus

I just finished reading the secret message of Jesus last week. Let me say first of all that I really enjoyed the book and would recommend it to anyone. Having said that, if you have read McLaren's other works, then you have a good idea of what he is ... »

Dr. King and my trip to Montgomery

Dr. King and my trip to Montgomery

It's funny how you miss things. I was born in Montgomery and lived in Wetumpka (just outside of Montgomery) for several years. I knew that Montgomery was famous for it's historical sites. However, living in the south we were primarily told about the... »

My new addiction

My new addiction

Here's my new addiction: Othello (sometimes known as Reversi). Actually I am addicted to the computer version and have not actually played the real life version. I had never played this game until about two weeks ago and now I can't quit! »