Month: May 2013

Christians Who Tithe Have Healthier Finances

The finances of Christians who tithe are generally healthier than the finances of those who do not, according to a new report that takes a close look at the financial, spiritual and giving practices of people who give 10 percent or more of their income away to churches and charities each year. Researchers compared tithers to non-tithers using nine financial health indicators, and found that tither... »

Your Past For Their Future

“We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves.” - Romans 15:1  On May 20th, 2013, Oklahoma was hit with a tornado that would kill and destroy everything in it’s path, but how can we help? Pray? Absolutely! Pray more? Sure! But to me, … »

Restrictions of Religion


Texas Bible (plugin): Fixing the Second Person Plural Problem One Website at a Time

Texas Has What English Lacks   As a preteen on my first visit out of the South, I remember hearing giggles from some people on the New York Subway whenever I spoke. Since I grew up in a large city, I knew that I didn’t have a traditional Texas twang, so it took me a while to realize what was so funny – my use of the word “Y’all” to refer to a group of friends. Fast forward 20 years, and just ... »