A witch hunt?

Surely one could not compare Trump's situation to David. David was honorable until he faltered, I believe he was honestly remorseful for his fall and bad judgement. Now I know it has not been legally declared, but in my mind, not just now, but in the news for years our former president is guilty of adultery but yells 'lies, fake news,' when anything is against him. Oh, on record, he praised a publisher for an article that was proven fake about one of his opponent's dad, from 'Texas', that was published.

I remember reading about a Hollywood Star that said ANY NEWS coverage is good vs no news'. Now Mr. Trump has MORE news coverage than the weather. He is following the old fact, if you say a lie enough times it becomes fact.

I have heard ministers say, 'Do not worry, God is in charge!" I know God rules this world. If it is God's will for Trump to go in now, , then logic says since he did not go in last time, it must have been God's will for Biden to go in. If MY God wants a president to be in office, NO ONE OR ANYTHING would prevent it. Does God care who is elected in this country? I must say, if Trump was supposed to be in office in God's opinion, Then He would be in office now!

Now I ask you does God decide our president? I wish I know that he did, then it would make my life eraser. In this case HE is not deciding a King of Israel.

Forgive me if I am out of order...

submitted by /u/overlandhermit
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