Month: April 2014

#NOAH movie misses the boat according to #BIBLE

According to the Huffington Post on March 31, Darren Aronofsky’s new $100 million film “Noah” was released last Friday in 3,936 theaters to a huge wave of media attention. Google News lists over 1,400 stories about the film, and the internet movie database lists 2,217 articles. The movie had an impressive opening day of an estimated $44 million in ticket sales. There are no rock ... »

Chile Quake: This was big but a bigger one awaits

An 8.2-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of northern Chile Tuesday night, triggering small landslides, setting off a tsunami and killing at least five people. But geologists say an even larger quake in the region is lurking. “This magnitude 8.2 is not the large earthquake that we were expecting in this area,” said Mark Simons, a geophysicist at Caltech in Pasadena, California. ... »

Integrating Our Culturally Divided Churches

I can’t quite remember how Juan Lopez and I got to know each other. We were just suddenly online friends, and I’m pretty thankful. He’s a sincere and humble guy, a youth pastor in Bell Gardens, CA, a writer, an avid  runner, and a family man. We were talking about the challenges English and Spanish churches have integrating, […] »

Organizational Behavior
