Month: March 2020

How did Noah get all of those animals on the…

How did Noah get all of those animals on the…

How did Noah get all of those animals on the ark? According to scripture the ark was not nearly big enough. 6.5 Square millimeters is tiny. It’s smaller than the space your pinky fingernail takes up. And 3 million is a very low estimate, the real estimate is closer to 8 million species on Earth today. »

Spiritual warfare is very real….

Spiritual warfare is very real….

FROM MY MIND TO YOURS: Spiritual warfare is very real. Even to those who really do not believe in God or the Bible or Jesus dying on the cross. They do not realize they are in a battle without even knowing it. satan has deceived them so discreetly even through human beings. But its the same with us as well who are saved. The bible warns and raises the bar on sins that were allowed and GOD would lo... »

Search PART 1 | The Word of God Speaks

Search PART 1 | The Word of God Speaks

In a world that has technology so readily available at our fingertips, we are so quick to immediately search Google for answers to every problem we face in life. Pastor Tony begins the brand new message series “Search” in hopes to remind us that God has already given us every answer to every obstacle in His word. The Bible is an endless source of wisdom to is living and active still to... »

Why do god believers rely on faith, when faith cannot…

Why do god believers rely on faith, when faith cannot…

Why do god believers rely on faith, when faith cannot distinguish true ideas from untrue ones?. »