Month: July 2021

Was asked this today. I want to see how well…

Was asked this today. I want to see how well I responded compared to your opinions. If Jesus was the only son of God, then why do Christians call themselves “Children if God”? »

There are a couple of ideas that have been forwarded…

There are a couple of ideas that have been forwarded of late. 1. Just because commands you to do something, does not mean you are capable of doing it, just responsible for not doing it. 2. The warnings of God do not mean that the thing is possible, Example: God warning of what would happen for renouncing faith after being saved. What are the Biblical answers to such a question or what viable argum... »

What do you guys think of the Book of Enoch?

What do you guys think of the Book of Enoch? »

What does Good Friday symbolize? Many essential and none essential…

What does Good Friday symbolize? Many essential and none essential businesses are closing to celebrate Good Friday. Question: To celebrate His life. Would Jesus have suggested closing most of the economy’s businesses or resources that people might need to help them on Good Friday? ? »