Month: February 2022

“Communion” Sunday Evening Service 2/27/22 – Pastor D. R. Shortridge

“Communion” Sunday Evening Service 2/27/22 – Pastor D. R. Shortridge

“Communion” Sunday Evening Service 2/27/22 – Pastor D. R. Shortridge Streaming every: Sunday Morning @ 11:00AM Sunday Evening @ 6:30PM Wednesday Evening @ 7:00PM »

Night of Worship

Night of Worship


The military deal will allow Ankara to deploy army

The military deal will allow Ankara to deploy army

Mmm…interesting times we live in! Turkey offers military support to Libya, miles away on the other side of the Mediterranean. The pieces are falling into place quickly for Ezekiel 38 esp vv5-6 Of course sadly, Preterists will deny it all. The military deal will allow Ankara to deploy army trainers and equipment to the north African nation. Washington, which is on opposing sides with Russia i... »

Tuesday January 8: 2 Shevat

It was on this day in 1942 that the Nazi leader Reinhard Heydrich met with representatives of the German Police, the S.S. and leading Nazi Party officials to begin discussing the implementation of the so-called, “Final Solution” to the so-called “Jewish Problem.” What was the so-called “Jewish Problem”? It would seem the problem was, at […] »