Bringing Hope Through Christ’s Birthday Offering

As we make preparation to enter the Holiday Season, our minds and hearts turn toward the celebration of the birth of the Messiah. At any birthday festivity, attendees bring gifts for the special person being honored. Christ’s birthday is celebrated annually at Church of God World Missions by asking our supporters to give a monetary gift in honor of the miraculous birth of Jesus. When your family celebrates the gift of Christ with an offering of $20.20, 100 percent is used to bring the light of hope to crisis and disaster relief throughout the year!

The pandemic isn’t over, as many countries with inadequate medical facilities have no choice but to continue limiting personal contact, close businesses, and eliminate jobs. Crisis, in the form of natural disasters (hurricanes, cyclones, flooding, and COVID-19), personal tragedy (missionaries whose budgets could not absorb unexpected heartbreak), and other catastrophic events, did not wait for a more opportune time, did not distinguish between believer or unbeliever, nor did it wait until there was enough money to recover. However, your offerings were available to meet the needs of God’s people! Jesus said in Matthew 25:40, “And the King shall answer and say unto them, verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” 

Through Christ’s Birthday Offering, we show the gift of God’s Son, given for everyone. The Church is the hands and feet of Jesus. God calls us to care for the hurting, serve those in need, and extend grace to “the least of these.” This year we have a tremendous opportunity to make a massive impact for the Kingdom of God. That is what your $20.20 accomplishes, Christmas hope outside of the Christmas season.