CHURCH OF GOD CAMP MEETINGS. How are they doing in…

CHURCH OF GOD CAMP MEETINGS. How are they doing in…

CHURCH OF GOD CAMP MEETINGS. How are they doing in their attendance over the years? Actually, the attendance seems to be dwindling each year,. I recommended a friend to stop in TX and be in the Texas CoG Camp Meeting at few years ago. I was sure there would be several thousand in attendance since Texas is such a large state. He reported back to me that just a few hundred is all they had in attendance. This seems to be happening in many areas of the country. CoG CAMP MEETINGS use to be held in large outdoor tabernacles where thousands of CoG people gathered. Something has happened. Today, the majority of CoG Camp Meetings are held in local churches, no doubt due to low turn out. The CoG in Ohio sold its old Camp Ground and Tabernacle in the late 1960’s. (At one time, the CoG owned three Camp Grounds, all at the same time.) In 1968, the CoG in Ohio conducted its Camp Meeting at the Ohio State Fairgrounds. Even then though, we had a good number of people in attendance. My future wife, Roberta Wheeler Harter and I are there, in the back. LOL See how many people you recognize in this pic?

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