Church of God Chaplains Commission 9/11

This is a video version of the PowerPoint presentation first shown at the Church of God Chaplains Commission Honors Dinner and Awards Ceremony, Marriott Ball Room, Indianapolis, Indiana, 10 August 2002. This was in conjunction with the Church of God General Assembly.

In putting this together under the direction of Dr. Robert Crick, the Commission’s Executive Director, it was not the primary intention to put together a patriotic presentation, but to set the scene of 9/11, to show the ministry response of the Church of God, and to honor those affiliated with the Commission for their part of that response.

The Commission certifies chaplains for a wide variety of institutions, including military, prison, hospital and other institutions, and these are featured in the presentation. In parts this is a difficult presentation to watch, even after nearly twenty years. Without the music of the incomparable Adrian Snell it would not have had the impact on its original audience that it did.

This video is dedicated to the memory of Dave Lorency, one of the honorees, who passed away this past spring.

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