Good Friday, April 7, 2023 | 14 Days

Our responsibility before God is an inalienable aspect of our human dignity. Its final expression will be on the day of judgment. Nobody will be sentenced without trial. All people, great and small, irrespective of their social class, will stand before God’s throne, not crushed or browbeaten, but given this final token of respect for human responsibility, as each gives an account of what he or she has done.

__Stott, John. The Cross of Christ

One of the first things we are taught in life is that we are responsible for our actions. If our parents do not teach us then society will.

Option 1: Time out

Option 2: Jail

So when we reflect on Jesus’s death on a Roman Cross and remember that it was done on our behalf it is a picture of what our irresponsibility looks like.

The ONE THING for today: It will only be when we take personal responsibility for Jesus’ death on the Cross that Good Friday will have any personal and deep meaning to us.

Photo by Adrien Olichon on Unsplash