I was at the CoG General Assembly held in August,…

I was at the CoG General Assembly held in August, 1986. At this particular General Assembly, there was a great divide regarding the original CoG Practical Teachings that were in existence at that time (and had been for 100 years). We were told that the CoG Practical Teachings were to be taken in their totality form and not to be dealt with individually. The new Practical Teachings were comprised of several pages of general summaries, which continue to this day, some 31 years later. A new generation has arisen that know absolutely nothing of what the CoG originally believed, so I cannot speak to them because they have never known the Holiness standards of the CoG. However, I do address those ministers who were a part of the CoG in 1986. And I do speak to them.

Let me continue to address the occurrences of the CoG General Assembly held in 1986. Those ministers who supported the new Practical Teachings were granted the right to speak to all Ordained (Bishops today) ministers. However, to my utter amazement, those ministers who stood in opposition to this change were not permitted to speak. The current Moderator (a man who I had greatly admired and respected) commanded their microphones to be turned off. Such a sad state of spiritual affairs. Men, standing at a microphone and granted permission to speak and address the brethren; however, when they disagreed, immediately their mics were ordered off by my good friend, the Moderator. One minister, whose mic was ordered off, I will never forget his last words spoke. They were — “In the name of Jeeeessssuuussss…” Men fell to the floor upon their faces. Over one-third of these men walked out of this particular morning session.

The Moderator beat his gavel on the podium declaring he was the General Overseer of the entire CoG and not just part of it.

Remember, I was there. I am an eyewitness of these events. A lunch break was taken and the afternoon session started at 2:30 pm.

The strangest thing occurred that particular day. Everyone looked like CoG Holiness people in the morning service, but in the afternoon session, they all had turned worldly and looked like they belonged to non-Holiness churches.

Now my question is, “Who is the real CoG?”

I ask this question because following this General Assembly, Dr Ray H Hughes, Sr invited me to his office. I have always loved and respected Bro Hughes. He was scheduled to preach at my church. Bro Hughes stated to me during our meeting together that every CoG member must adhere to the CoG Minutes Book. I totally concurred with him. However, I mentioned that the CoG Minutes Book currently continued to state that “the wearing of jewelry shall be made a test of membership.” Bro Hughes denied it and replied to me that that particular statement was no longer in the CoG Minutes Book.

I had great respect for Bro Hughes and in no way desired to disrespect him in any way. However, I was prepared by having my CoG Minutes Book with me and had marked in it where this statement was located. Actually, it was located in two different sections of the CoG Minutes Book. I gave my Minutes Book to Bro Hughes so he could read it himself. Once he read it, he said to me that it would be removed as soon as possible, before the next General Assembly.

I do not wish to be a problem with this post. But it is a historical fact. Bro Hughes, Assistant General Overseer, stated that everyone in the CoG MUST ADHERE to the CoG Minutes Book. Therefore, can we conclude that those ministers and their wives who returned to the afternoon session of that particular General Assembly forfeited their right to be a legal member of the CoG (Cleveland, TN) because now they were openly wearing their rings (including many of the Ordained Ministers), earrings and necklaces when the CoG Minutes Book declared in two separate places that the wearing of such items is a test of membership?


Now whether you agree with the wearing of jewelry or not, that is not the issue here. The issue is that at that particular time and place, the CoG Minutes Book stated that a person wearing jewelry was no longer a member of the CoG. So again, who is the real CoG? Or is it actually true perhaps that the Minutes Book should be called a “Convenience Book,” that is, if it is convenient to use it, then use it. May God bless you all.

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