I’ve recently been studying into the topic of morality in…

I’ve recently been studying into the topic of morality in…

I’ve recently been studying into the topic of morality in atheism; the depths of immorality is justified to no end by its philosophies, perhaps one of the greatest examples (among many) is Joseph Stalin…

Apparently in his early life he went to seminary, but left after being indoctrinated by Marxism and joining Vladimir Lenin’s communist movement, for those that don’t know much about communism; to its core it’s an extremely anti God, atheist philosophy much credited by Karl Marx (the atheist that made the philosophy) to Charles Darwin for inspiring it by the “origin of species” book which is the origin of modern evolution.

Stalin came to hate God so much he banned religion in the USSR, and imprisoned and murdered pastors without trial.

Question 1.
What would the world be like if Joseph Stalin never denounced his faith for an atheist philosophy?
Are you willing to admit the lives of the USSR citizens could have been much different?

My second point, which is most important… Atheists say we can have objective morality without God so long as all people agree on what’s right and what’s wrong for everyone as a civilization…

Question 2.
What if someone like Joseph Stalin comes to power? Under the philosophy of atheism, Joseph is 100% justified in his tyranny..
Who will hold the bar again a man as powerful as him? The majority of the feeble, hungry USSR “peasants” opinions of what’s right and wrong?

Atheism is an extremely dangerous philosophy, and should be treated as one..

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