Now I know that many definitely oppose this type of…

Now I know that many definitely oppose this type of…

Now I know that many definitely oppose this type of ministry. But do you know how I grew my church? New converts from my tent revivals. Other CoG preachers laughed at me due to the procedure that I used and saying that “Harter has built that million dollar building, but look at him, he is out in an old gospel tent.” But they didn’t laugh too long because many were getting saved, and joining my church. In fact, one man who attended my tent revival gave me $100,000.00 as a donation, something that he had planned to send to Jimmy Swaggart but he said God told him to give it to me. I had our young people to sing. I utilized preachers who attended my local church. We started a New Convert’s Class and our church grew quickly. Here are few pics. And the people came as we went from one small town to another that was close to our local church. Do you want your church to grow? Then do what Jesus said to do. “Go out into the highways and edges and compel to come in that My house may be full.”

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