Order in the Home!

Order in the Home!

    My recent studies in the Scripture concerning the Presence of God have lead me to revisit a Word our Church received in January concerning "Order."  At this point, I am not completely clear on how order fits into a pursuit of the Presence of God, but I find it interesting that when the angel visited Zechariah with an announcement of a son, Zechariah was executing the Priest's office .... (you guessed it) in ORDER.. (Luke 1:8).        When pondering order in the home specifically, I must know God's design for such.  A knowledge of God's design for my home followed by my obedience to operate in the order that He has set forth in Scripture will align me to receive all God has for my family, and (I am hoping) to maintain a sweet environment of His Presence here with us!  Is this not a goal for every home?