This just in...
2012 Hixon CDs and DVDs
Dear Friend, What an amazing 2012 Main Event that just convened in Hixson, Tennessee! The 9 messages shared were birthed in prayer! ... »
When Did We Get So Dumb?
“One way of looking at the history of the human group is that it has been a continuing struggle against the veneration of ‘crap.’”—Neil Postman I came home the other nigh... »
Obama, Marxism and Pentecostal Identity
Time and time again in the past several years, while ministering in churches across the United States, friends and partners ask us about our opinion on the political situation at home and around the w... »
Invisible Warfare 101 Part 2
Perry Stone teaches on spiritual warfare from Israel. »
Encouragement To Face Your (Can’t) Moment
I always try to throw more reasons why I can do something into the mix than I do the reasons I can’t. You should also. Let’s face it, life can be tough, but you can always be tougher. If you look hard... »
Theological Entrenchment: Righter than Thou
If I went to school to study mathematics, I’d (hopefully) be receiving the same education wherever I went. Maybe I’d study different techniques, but they should lead me to the same su... »
4 Tips For Frustration
Are you frustrated and feeling stuck? Each of us has been there. You feel like at every turn there is another dead-end waiting to greet you. You are stuck, and trying really hard only seems to make it... »
4 Ways To Stop Cussing And Gossip
First, I’ll start with a confession. There are times I use words that I shouldn’t use. There are also times that I say things about people that I shouldn’t say. I must admit, when I’m wronged or feel ... »
Fools (and Jayson) Rush In
I love talking with people who see things differently than I do. It isn’t so much that I love to debate as much as I love thinking through my own positions as I talk to someone else. This mornin... »
The Pew Forum: Protestants no longer majority in U.S.
A new study by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life found that Protestants now make up 48% of Americans, compared with nearly two-thirds in the 1970s. The decline, concentrated among white mem... »
Invisible Warfare 101 – Part 1
Perry Stone teaches frm Israel. »
Protestant Pastors Support Romney Despite Mormon Faith
Three times more Protestant pastors plan to vote for Mitt Romney over Barack Obama in the upcoming presidential election. Romney’s Mormon beliefs are a factor for only a small number of pastors ... »