This just in...
Have I got some news for you!!
Under the blood or on the cross?!
A question that has been on my mind recentlyis this. What things need to be under the blood, and what things need to be hung on the cross? I look for some input on this question... »
Just a little info…
Pastor Dave is home
and recovering. He needs to rest for the next two weeks. »
Wanted to let you know…
Just wanted to let you guys know that there is only5 DAYS UNTIL MY 20TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! »
School & Dorm Wars & Other Stuff
So... my life has kind of been hectic lately!! Starting with last week I had DORM WARS...DORM WARSThis is the funnest thing ever!!! The gym is packed out with people and all of the dorms nominate 7 ... »
Please pray for Pastor Dave.
He was involved in a car smash this afternoon and is in hospital with a fractured sternum and a head wound which required minor surgery. He is comfortable as far as I am aware.Will update as and when ... »
Gotcha Back
Have you ever been in a situation that you could not handle? One in which you have tried everything you know to try and did everything you knew to do? I have......And in all honesty, it is not a pleas... »
Somebody is ALWAYS watching
Have you ever done something and thought that you have gotten away with it because no one saw you do it? I am not talking about something major. Just little things that we may think as being insigni... »
It’s in the post!
My title is the often used excuse given to me when someone has let me down, creditors, plumbers, contributors."It's in the post!"As if that makes it alright.... Jesus says, "When you pray..."We say, "... »