This just in...
The Secret Message of Jesus
I just finished reading the secret message of Jesus last week. Let me say first of all that I really enjoyed the book and would recommend it to anyone. Having said that, if you have read McLaren's o... »
Dr. King and my trip to Montgomery
It's funny how you miss things. I was born in Montgomery and lived in Wetumpka (just outside of Montgomery) for several years. I knew that Montgomery was famous for it's historical sites. However, ... »
My new addiction
Here's my new addiction: Othello (sometimes known as Reversi). Actually I am addicted to the computer version and have not actually played the real life version. I had never played this game until a... »
Film Review: Capote
After much anticipation, Holly and I finally set down long enough to watch Capote last night. I have to say first and foremost, the film was great! If you are not in any way attached to Capote, ie l... »
It’s great to be alive
Here are three reasons that it is great to be alive right now:1. Stanley Cup finals. I am a little bit ticked that they kept the rest of the season from us. Still, I am happy to get what little hock... »
Camp Update
Thanks to all that are helping me out with this camp issue. Here's the basic data for the past week. The week went much better than last year. The speaker, music, everything just seemed to work bet... »
Latest Evangelism Motivation Technique
This is great guys. I think it could work.Get this video and more at »
Walk Number 3….
Great walk today, misty and wet but great.We walked through Ryvoan Pass to the bothy and then doubled back a bit then into the Cairngorms. The scenery was stunning and the cuckoo was my highlight. Pit... »
Try This Website…
http://www.darwinismrefuted.comExcellent stuff! »