Praise and Worship – July 10, 2022
Pastor Steve Allen leads the Westmore congregation in Praise and Worship. Songs are: “You Have Made Me Glad” “Same God” “Let Your Anointing Fill My Soul” Following Praise and Worship, the Walker family sings “Jireh” and the Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra presents “King of Glory” with Vera Voznuk, Jonathan Cornett and Michelle Wetherill. 🛎 ... »
Sunday Morning Service | July 10, 2022
Welcome to Westmore! We are so blessed that you have chosen to worship with us. If you are new to the Cleveland/Chattanooga area or visiting, we would love for you to join us here at our location (2440 Legacy Parkway, Cleveland, TN 37312). Let us know where you are watching from, (take a pic if you wish and tag us with @westmorecog on your social media accounts), and do not forget to like and shar... »
Perry Stone Hosting TBN April 10, 2012
April 10th - Perry Stone Hosting TBN Perry Stone will be hosting Praise the Lord on TBN on April 10th. The program will air at 10:00 pm (EDT). Special guests for this program include Sid Roth, Pastor Shane W... »