
Six Reasons Senior Pastors Should Lead a Mentoring Group

A Christianity Today article quoted leadership guru Peter Drucker as saying the four hardest jobs in America are, in no particular order… President of the United States University President CEO of a Hospital Senior Pastor The article’s disclaimer questions whether Drucker actually said this, but based on my conversations with pastors, this idea isn’t far off.... The post Six Reasons Senior Pastors... »

9 habits for pastors in 2019


The world is getting more religious

The world is getting more religious

Muslims and Christians are expected make up nearly equal shares of the global population by 2050 for the first time. Atheists, agnostics and other people who don’t affiliate with a religion will make up a smaller fraction of the world’s population in 2050, according to a new study. The Pew Research Center study released Thursday found [...] »

Church of God Instructions for Ministers: Marriage and Same-sex Relationship

Church of God Instructions for Ministers: Marriage and Same-sex Relationship (75th A., 2014) Ed Brewer David M. Hinsen Joel Roman Alan N Carla Smith... »