
Kenneth Copelands Response to Request by Pope Francis

Recently, I received a message from Pope Francis in which he asked that, as a ministry and part of the Body of Christian believers, we pray for him. In 1 Timothy 2:2, the Bible teaches that we are to pray for all that are in authority. It is scriptural that we do so. And, therefore, it is our duty to honor the Popes request and, as a Body of believers, join our faith with his by coming together in... »

COGHQ Covid-19 Response: Top 10 Takeaways

COGHQ Covid-19 Response: Top 10 Takeaways

COGHQ Coronavirus Response: Top 10 Takeaways Winterfest cancellation estimated at $600K to $1M Registrations and fees will be refunded even if a loan is needed COGHQ offices closed this week, possibly next Will General Assembly be cancelled? No Camp meeting cancelled at this time Emergency fund measure at General Assembly Possible legal disadvantage if someone infected during a church meeting Foll... »

North Cleveland’s response to COVID-19

North Cleveland’s response to COVID-19

Pastor Mark Williams shares North Cleveland’s response to COVID-19 and how our church family can stay connected during the next few weeks. #WeAreNorth #COVID19 #coronavirus #nccog »

A TOTAL RESPONSE to the Muslims attack on the BIBLE….

A TOTAL RESPONSE to the Muslims attack on the BIBLE….

A TOTAL RESPONSE to the Muslims attack on the BIBLE. Watch and you will learn a lot. »