The Lord’s Prayer

Rev. Neil Steven Lawrence, M.Div.

Jesus gave us an outline / model / template / pattern of prayer.

In Matthew 6, Jesus gave this type of prayer because the disciples wanted to know how to pray like he prayed. The Lord’s Prayer was not meant to be simply memorized and recited. It was meant to be a guideline or an outline on how to pray.

Prayer will be more effective if you operate according to a plan.  You can always “pray without ceasing,” (I Thes.5:16) but in order to build a strong day-to-day prayer life, you need a template. This is what the Lord’s Prayer is.

The Lord’s prayer is a “Model Prayer.”  It is not simply to be repeated in a rote manner. Jesus even warned us not to use mindless repetition in our prayers like the pagans do (Mat.6:7). 

1.  “Hallowed be Your Name”:  (ADORATION) 

•    Notice it does not start with a “request.”  The multitudes surrounding God’s throne are not giving requests but giving worship. 

•    In Psalms 103, David taught us to “bless His holy name.”  He lists 5 benefits (forgiveness, healing, rescue, favor, and blessings). Being spiritual means approaching God with the right attitude. When we praise the Lord, it sets our heart in the right place to be able to hear from him.

2.  “Your Kingdom Come, Your Will be Done, on earth as in Heaven.”:  (CONSECRATION) 

•    After a few minutes of worship, we begin to “surrender.”  To “consecrate” is to set apart our (body, mind, spirit, career, finances, family, etc.) to God’s exclusive use. 

•    Every day, pray for God to “MOVE THE KINGDOM FORWARD” through me.  I surrender my entire life to His exclusive use like Jesus did in Gethsemane:  “Not my will, but yours be done.”  Our prayers have the power to bring heaven into the Earth.

3. “Give us today our daily bread”:  (SUPPLICATION) 

•    AFTER adoring the Lord, and consecrating my heart, I am ready to tell God my “needs.” Worship Him first, surrender to His will, then ask whatever you need (John 15:7) to fulfill your Kingdom purpose! 

•    “Supplication” is to communicate a need to God:  food, clothing, bills, transportation, investments, provision, ministry, etc.  He provided for 3 million Israelites in the desert!  He WANTS YOU to have whatever you need to move the Kingdom forward.  Make your requests  specific, not merely general. God is our Father and he loves to hear and see his children lay their needs before his throne.

 4.  “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors…”: (INTERCESSION) 

•    Daniel was a great “intercessor.”  In Daniel 9, he prayed 15 verses of asking God to forgive Israel.  Intercession is when you stand between an offended God and an offensive person or thing.   

•    It’s almost impossible to remain bitter at someone who you are asking God to be merciful to. We are God‘s agents of forgiveness and reconciliation.  We are God’s salt and light in the world, and through intercession we can bring illumination and flavor to a fallen world.

5. “Lead us not into temptation, deliver us from evil”:  (PROTECTION) 

•    Satan’s kingdom is real. He has usurped what God gave to man to rule.  The temptations we face originate in Satan, not God.  Every day, put on the “whole armor of God” to stand firmly against every attack of the enemy (Ephesians 6). 

•    Pray for the Kingdom to be built into peoples lives. Pray daily for your city, state, and nation.  Pray against attacks upon your family, business, ministry, and health. 

 This prayer is like 5 “fingers” in the hand of God.  It’s the “pattern” Jesus taught us. Every day this week, pray using this pattern and watch God’s hand move in your life!