Through the new birth, we have been ushered into the…

Through the new birth, we have been ushered into the…

Through the new birth, we have been ushered into the Church and Body of Christ, which is the heavenly and spiritual Jerusalem. We have been united with innumerable holy angels in festal gathering. We are now one with the spirits of just men made perfect. And, now the most precious blood of Jesus runs through our spiritual veins.

We are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints. And God has not forsaken those of us who have fallen/backslidden into the world. Neither should we forsake them. Our backslidden/fallen heroes are those who have drank to the dregs, from that temporal cup of wrath, which God has determined for us.

Like the rest of the world, we all sinned in Adam. (Hosea 6:7) But unlike the rest of the world, we (the one third) have been saved, both from our sins and the consequences thereof. But God didn’t say we shall go entirely unpunished. That’s why He ordained a temporal cup of wrath, called the Great Tribulation for us. (Jer. 30:11)

There is a time for everything under the Sun. The time to partially destroy Jerusalem has passed, here comes the time for her to be rebuilt. We who have remained strong in the Lord, have been mandated to bring back and rebuild these ancient ruins. We are the Ezekiel, whom God has appointed to raise up these dry bones with the instrument of Prophecy.

I can hear God right now saying to you :

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