

The dim gray light peaks through the leavesrevealing tears as they stream down my face.I left because they can't accept who I am.All the screaming, and intimidation...Why aren't you like your brother?Why are you doing this to your mom and me?No! Why can't you love me despite my failings?Why can't you believe in meeven when my path varies from the crowd?So I shiver in these woods - so cold,with now... »

Don’t Forget What’s Important

Don't forget what's important.It isn't always dollar signsand nice rides,or even a mansion in L.A.It isn't a song on MTV,your face on the TV screen,or clothes from the most trendy place.It's a Saturday morning tea partywith your little girl.A smile from your wifewhen you open the door getting home from work.It's evenings on the porch swingwith a glass of sweet tea.Sunday mornings in church with yo... »

I Don’t Accept Your Apology

I don't accept your apology.It wasn't at all sincere -with a smirk, and a laugh,and a heart cold and indifferentto the hurt you've made me feel,the pain you've left in my heart.I don't accept your apology.And, honestly,I think it's time for you to leave.Walk out into the cold rainas it washes the grime down the city streetsoutside of my apartment.Shiver as a drop of rain drips down your back.Hear ... »

Taking a Break

I'll be taking a break from posting regularly here for a while. Please take a moment and subscribe to this blog with your e-mail address (in the left-hand column), so that you will be notified when I start posting again.Thanks, so much, for reading my ... »