
Cluttered Silence

Cluttered Silence

cluttered silence sits around the room staring breathlessly stealing my soul from within my body endlessly raging against my mind like an angry dictatorThis poem © Kevin Walker. Published January 2013. »

Dear Neighbor

Dear neighbor, The incessant barking of your dog kept me awake last night. I laid (or is it lied? Even as an English teacher, I still confuse the two.) there, for hours, thinking of how lucky we are to have a dog keeping us all so safe at night. I mean, who would even think of robbing one of our homes with such a savage beast on the loose out there?&nbs... »

I’m So Tired

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." | Ian MaclarenI'm so tired that I can't even remember what day it is. Maybe Friday, or Monday. I don't know. I walk into a local Walgreens to buy a few items for my wife who is at home recovering from surgery. A nice lady shields her child, giving him a look that pleads: "Please don'... »

Becoming Wise

There is a differencebetween bitterness and the recognition that you don't need to put yourselfin certain situations again. We sometimes get angry at ourselves, thinking we've become bitter, when we're actually being wise. Yes - throw away bitterness. Yes - throw away anger and resentment. Those will steal your life away. But don't lose the wisdom ... »