So, I have been so busy this week until now, but I wanted to write about this past weekend. My roommates Valerie and Brandi came home with me because this was the only time they could the rest of this semester. We left around 5:30 on Friday and got to SC around 8:45. It was a really fun ride. We took pictures, made documentaries, and ate at Captain D's on our way home. When we got home, we sat around and watched TV, played Scrabble, and talked. Then, we watch Sleepy Hollow and scared ourselves to death (well, just V really because she had never seen it!) After that we went to bed and didn't wake up until 12:30. We ate breakfast and then we all got ready for the day. Then I took V and B to downtown Clemson so they could get some Clemson shirts. I took them to all the shops like Judge Keller's, Tigertown Graphics, Knickerbockers, etc. They finally picked out shirts, and then we went to Ben & Jerry's to get ice cream for a snack. We then went home to freshen up and for supper we went to Explorer's. It was really good. I forgot how good it was until I ate there again. Then, we went to see the FUNNIEST MOVIE... we went to see "She's The Man." So guys really wouldn't like it, but girls would love it, so I definitely recommend it to all you girls!! Then we went home and watched Zoolander on TV and went to bed. On Sunday we got up and went to church, and then we went to Zaxby's and then we came back to Lee. Well, just wanted to let you guys know and show you some pics. Peace out, A-Town!!