When God Is Silent it’s…


When God is silent it’s not because He has no words. When God is silent,  He is often saving the right words for the right moment. His right moment is almost never your right moment. Our moments are often engrossed on what it will do for us. His right moments are concentrated on what will bring Him the most glory.

For God’s glory,  all of life was created. The moment you understand that beautiful gift of truth, the closer you are to joy and peace. Silence is the calm before the perfect storm of God’s moments of truth to your soul. Time will soon usher in understanding. Franz Wright once wrote, “The long silences need to be loved, perhaps more than the words which arrive to describe them in time.”

Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, God has trusted you with His silence in order to prove Himself more real  than you could have ever imagined without it? I think the answer to that question is yes! Just ask Mary and Martha who saw Jesus raise their brother from the dead.

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