6 Nov 2023

These ARE The Prophesied Perilous Last Days

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come…” (see 2 Timothy 3).

And in these very last of the last days before Christ’s return, an interesting find: Report Oct 28: Samples from ‘Noah’s Ark’ site in Turkey (Mt. Ararat) reveal human activity dating back to biblical era. “And the ark rested…upon the mountains of Ararat” (Genesis 8:4).


Democrats Blast New House Speaker, Mike Johnson, for Holding Biblical Worldview.

Virginia Democrat Candidate Pushed’ After-School Satan Club’ & Is Fixated on the Demonic. Party-backed Jeremy Rodden backed the club even after Satanist’s murderous rampage near the school.

Nearly 100 Ohio churches leave UMC (United Methodist Church) amid homosexuality schism.

“Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate” (Titus 1:15-16).


Biden’s State Department honors’ Intersex Awareness Day.’

Over 200,000 minors estimated sexually abused in Spain by Roman Catholic clergy since 1940, according to an independent commission report just published.

American Academy of Pediatrics Conference 2023: teaching pediatricians how to groom gender-confused children into a lifetime of medical experimentation while also manipulating their families.

San Francisco, California. Convicted Child Predator Sets Up “Free Fentanyl” Stand Near School. Joseph Moore was arrested only after defying orders to relocate. He’d been convicted of lewd & lascivious acts with a child under 14. Yet he’s not designated as a “high-risk” offender. This allows him to linger near schools without a 2,000-foot distance restriction. He’s camped out near the school for over two years.

Vitaminwater’s new ad campaign glamorizes gays and transgenderism.

Prostitution Booming in New York City Again. It’s like the 1970s all over again. New York City is filled with crime, dirty streets, and now prostitution as well. The sharp rise in illegal immigrants has brought with it a boom in the industry of selling sex. All that’s missing now is peepshows and a resurgence in the use of crack. Mayor Eric Adams is blaming this on the border crisis, and for once, he is right.

Finnish psychiatrist speaks out against trans mutilation of kids.


Macron Announces Legislation to Enshrine’ Freedom of Abortion’ in French Constitution.


Bowling Alley Where Maine Attacker Fatally Shot 7 Is a Gun-Free Zone.

Global Explosion of Hate: Yet Another Sign That We Really Are Living in The End Times.


60 Years of Indoctrination. Your children aren’t being educated; they’re being indoctrinated. And their indoctrination is supported by the Democrat Party. Their indoctrination is on politics, social issues, and morality. And their morality is in the trash can.

Big Pharma’s Move to Medicate Kids Without Parental Consent.

Biden Received $40,000 from the $5 Million of his son’s Laundered China Money.

The FBI – friend or foe of American people? The FBI is not a law enforcement division of the U.S. Dept of Justice but a political weapon now focused almost entirely toward supporting a radical communist agenda to destroy civil society in the United States.

A Masonic leader was at Vatican environmental conference to promote depopulation, world gov’t. Carlos Alvarez Pereira was invited from The Club of Rome, which has from its founding been one of the chief promoters of the Malthusian myth of overpopulation and radical population control programs.


95.8% of ILLEGAL ALIENS using CBP One app released into U.S. DHS Secretary Mayorkas has utterly abused CBP One app in his quest for open borders, proof that Mayorkas’ operation is a smokescreen for mass release of individuals into this country who’d otherwise have zero claim to be admitted.

In the fight against Mexican cartels, Texas law enforcement took control of a dangerous island used by human traffickers.

Republicans Raise Terror Alarm After Illegal Immigrants Caught with Explosive Devices.

Another Caravan of 7,000 Illegal Immigrants About to Cross the Open Border, composed of thousands of migrants from Haiti, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Venezuela.


Fauci’s Montana Lab Experimented with Wuhan Coronavirus Strain Pre-Pandemic.

New Poll: One In Four American Respondents Say COVID Shots Are Unsafe And Know Someone Who Died From The Jab.


Major US meat producer Tyson ramps up bug production in latest anti-meat madness.

State of emergency declared in El Salvador due to Tropical Storm “Pilar.” The storm unleashed torrential rains, strong winds, and caused widespread flooding. Two people died, and one is missing.


Deadly Bomb cyclone Storm Ciarán slams Europe with hurricane-force winds, extreme flooding. At least 12 confirmed deaths across France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands, and Italy.


Italy: Residents on ‘Edge’ Facing 2.5K Earthquakes as Supervolcano Rumbles: ‘It’s Nonstop.’ Italy has been preparing for a possible mass evacuation of tens of thousands of residents. Those in Pozzuoli, outside of Naples, are concerned since they live in the volcanic area of Campi Flegrei.


Hamas terrorists under interrogation recount horrors they committed: raping a corpse; offered $10K reward/apartment for taking hostages; ordered us to crush heads, cut off heads/legs of Israelis, including children.

In battle for Gaza stronghold, 100 women & children pushed forward by Hamas as human barrier.

Hamas Official Promises to Carry Out Oct. 7 Massacre ‘Again and Again’ Until Israel’s ‘Annihilation.’

‘The world is turning against Israel.’

Cornell University Jewish Community Rocked by Murderous Social Media Posts Against Jews. In addition to threatening lives of Cornell’s 3,500 Jewish students, who are 22% of the student population, the posts called for an attack on a campus kosher dining hall. The threats were hideous!

Massive Anti-Israel/Pro-‘Palestinian’ Protests Rage Through U.S. This past weekend alone, thousands stormed cities spewing antisemitism.

Minnesota teacher called for Israel’s eradication at socialist rally.

Pro-‘Palestinian’ Protesters in Oakland, California, Block Military Supply Ship Leaving for Israel. The Arab Resource Organizing Center, based in San Francisco, reportedly coordinated the protest.

Jordanian In Houston, Texas, Accused of Plotting Attack on Jewish People.

Political’ Party of Islam’ Registered in the U.K. 6 Days After Hamas Attack.

Homes belonging to Jews in Paris, France, were targeted by anti-Semites; graffitied with the Star of David, an anti-Semitic act similar to Nazi Germany’s singling out of Jewish people in the 1930s.

Antisemitic incidents on the rise in parts of Russia. Large crowds besieged a hotel where they thought Israelis were staying. A Jewish cultural center was set on fire. Hundreds of angry men in a predominantly Muslim region stormed an airport tarmac looking for Israeli passengers on a flight from Tel Aviv. Over 20 people were injured, 9 of them police officers; 10 were hospitalized, two critically. Russian forces prophesied to invade Israel will find out who God removes— swiftly.

“I will bless them that bless thee [Israel], and curse him that curseth thee…” (Genesis 12:3).


US vowed to defend Philippines against potential threats after Chinese ships blocked and collided with two Filipino vessels in the South China Sea.

Video: Chinese fighter jet harasses US B-52 bomber over the South China Sea, coming within 10 feet of crashing into the U.S. aircraft.

House Speaker Says Russia, China, Iran Are ‘New Axis of Evil’ posing huge threat to U.S. “We must stand with our most important Ally in the Middle East [Israel].” He added, “I hope it doesn’t come to [U.S.] boots on the ground.”

Algeria Parliament Votes Unanimously to Enter the Conflict in Support of Gaza.

Russia’s representative to the United Nations said Israel has no right to defend itself against Hamas. He claims Israel is an “occupying state” and has no right to self-defense.

Russia’s Wagner Group to supply Hezbollah with air defense system according to U.S. intelligence. It’s still yet to be confirmed if the SA-22 system, which uses antiaircraft missiles and air defense guns to intercept aerial threats like aircraft and drones, will be used in Lebanon.

Hezbollah in southern Lebanon on Nov 2 stepped up attacks against Israel. The attacks were possibly coordinated with Hamas and Houthis. Also, an Iran-backed Shi’ite militia from Syria, called “Imam Hussein Brigades,” sent forces to southern Lebanon. This would be the first incident of coordinated rocket fire on multiple fronts during the war and represents a notable escalation.

Attacks On US Bases In Syria Continue Despite Pentagon’s Airstrikes. U.S. military facilities attacked 23 times since Oct. 7. Update 11/2: at least 28 since October 17: 16 in Iraq, and 12 in Syria. We brethren know what’s prophesied for Syria – the fulfillment of Isaiah 17.

Syria rockets fired toward Golan; IDF strikes Hezbollah targets in Lebanon in response to rocket and missile fire from Lebanon.

IDF artillery fire Oct 28 targeted Syrian Army positions & Iran-backed militias near Syria-Israeli border.

Iran President Says Israel Crossed Red Line, which may “force everyone to take measures.” “The U.S. knows very well our current capabilities and knows they’re impossible to overcome,” he said. The forces of this prophesied future invader of Israel will find out how God will take measures (see Ezekiel 39).

‘Evil Turkey Lurkey’ Erdogan Vows to Get Israel Branded “War Criminal” State; Blames West for Gaza “Massacre.” This prophesied future invader of Israel doesn’t care about massacring Israelis, and his forces will also meet their doom on the mountains of Israel, so says God (see Ezekiel 38/39).

‘Never again is now’: Netanyahu addresses nation. “We’re determined to eradicate this evil [Hamas] from the world, for our existence and for all of humanity.”

‘Second war of independence’ – Israel’s war cabinet confirms ‘second stage of the war’ has begun.

Israeli Tanks Rolled Deeper Into Gaza Oct 30 As Entire World Braces for More Escalation. If all allies of Hamas stand aside and do nothing, the IDF will slowly but surely wipe Hamas out. If multiple parties enter the conflict, an apocalyptic war engulfs the entire Middle East.

Israel prepares for war on multiple fronts. Iran threatens to attack Israel through its terror proxies in Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen. Saudis On High Alert After Iran-backed Yemen’s Houthis Fire Another Missile at Israel that crossed Saudi territory.

Israeli Army Suffers More Casualties as Hamas Publishes Video Showing Tanks Blown Up. 15 Israeli soldiers have now been killed in the Gaza operation, the IDF announced Wednesday, which in total marks 320 total troops killed since Oct. 7th massacre (and over 1,100 more Israeli and foreign civilians).


The ‘two-state solution’ to murder Jews. Those who continue to promote the dangerous idea of a “two-state solution” are ignoring the fact that Hamas is sitting not only in Gaza but in the West Bank. Thousands of ‘Palestinians’ from the West Bank have been taking to the streets almost daily to support the Iran-backed terrorist group. This is the same West Bank the Biden administration and many Westerners hope will be part of a future ‘Palestinian’ state next to Israel. The demonstrations show that a large number of ‘Palestinians’ support terrorism against Israel, including rape, beheadings, torture and burning women and children alive.

‘Peace and Security’ Won’t Be the Outcome of Dividing Israel for a ‘Palestinian’ State. For what will occur, see 1 Thessalonians 5:3.


“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls” (1 Peter 1:3-9).

The post 6 Nov 2023 appeared first on Rapture Ready.