A lot of problems could be solved in the Church…

A lot of problems could be solved in the Church…

A lot of problems could be solved in the Church of God by doing a thorough inventory of all churches under 50 (or even less) and identify the specifics of the churches. Are there churches who can support a pastor and just won’t or are there churches who can’t support a pastor.

A moratorium could be placed on the Churches that are deeded to the COG and those which are mortgaged by the COG and gradually sell off these buildings and close down the churches.

Sometime in the future this will be done anyway or else the COG will stop holding deeds to property. The Churches will then be congregational in their polity. There is already a big move toward this.

Currently the denomination has a leverage to weed out non-productive churches and there are many. I suspect many non-productive churches would become productive.

They want to stay a COG then support the pastor. I believe that would work.

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