Almost Newish Books That You Must Try!

Almost Newish Books That You Must Try!
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Check out these almost new titles selected for you!

Sale ends on April 25th at Midnight.
Habakkuk warned us of enemies β€œmore fierce than evening wolves!” These wolves are still on the prowl today. In this challenging volume, Bishop Toby Morgan will help you navigate these dark days, lay claim to God’s promises, and victoriously face the future.
God has a mission to renew and rebuild the β€œTabernacle of David.” The concept of tabernacle indicates God’s presence, His relationship with us, and our relationship with Him. In this instructive work, Dr. Arrington teaches that as God’s Tabernacleβ€”His Churchβ€”He calls us to join in with Jesus’ wonderful mission of restoration.
In "Scars Don't Cry,” Gerald McGinnis shares from his own incredible story, along with truths from the scriptures, principles that will help guide you on this path called life. You will be greatly blessed and uplifted through this inspiring book that powerfully reveals God’s tremendous grace.
Rather than Christians living in fear of what's to come, Tim Hill invites them to move to a new level of trust and confidence in God and a higher level of faith and expectation as they discover the accelerated season of favor God has promised for the days ahead.
A team of 15 leading pastors, professors, and administrators have come together to provide this insightful, challenging, and practical book at a time when the Latino harvest is greater than ever.
This book is for you if you have lost the dream of your childhood or the belief in yourself that YOU CAN DO IT! This encouraging book is highly recommended for anyone in search of regaining lost dreams and
unfulfilled desires.
*Purchase now while supplies last.
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