Choice by Lyrics

I get knocked down, and I get up again, you’re never gonna keep me down.

You know those lyrics if you are over thirty. I think it was while I was watching Traffic Light on Fox, that I was reminded what a mindless, yet motivating song Chumbawamba made.

Pop culture can motivate. This song motivated me this week. I have been talking to a few friends who are at rough stages in their lives. Unemployed or underemployed, they feel useless downtrodden and want to give up. I encouraged them this week, giving the old speech about not giving up, etc… I even found myself giving a pep talk to a group of fourth graders about their upcoming end of grade tests.

I realized something this week.

I am going to talk and motivate. It is what is in me. If I am down, I lead towards negative outcomes, if I am up I talk towards positive outcomes. I lead. As much as I wish I could be a follower, I must lead. When you lead this week, remember to tell people to not stop believing that God has something better for them. I believe He does and I have seen Him do it again and again.

In the words of Journey, “Don’t stop believing.”