I have recently been discussing Catholic doctrine with a neighbor. Contrary…

I have recently been discussing Catholic doctrine with a neighbor. Contrary…

The idea of purgatory renders Christ’s total mission on earth not sufficient.

Do you know why Enoch and Elijah, who, like us, are saved sinners (Romans 3:23) are not really taught about in Catholicism? Because the idea of a sinful (yet saved) human being brought up straight to heaven is a HUGE & UNRECONCILABLE problem for the idea of purgatory

notice I/scripture say up to heaven and not DOWN to heaven where Abrahams Bosom was (Ephesians 4:8-10) for OT saints.

Here is a great refutation for the man-made doctrine of purgatory. Its scripturally & apologetically sound article.

I have recently been discussing Catholic doctrine with a neighbor. Contrary to official Catholic teaching, my neighbor appears to believe that salvation …

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