Last month the COG General Executive Council convened to set…

Last month the COG General Executive Council convened to set…

Last month the COG General Executive Council convened to set up the program for start up ministries. From the General Assembly there was $950,000 raised to start a financial loan to fund start up ministries. Then General Overseer had a goal of one million dollars, $50 K short. This was discussed among the council of 18 bishops and there was following a member who stated he would contribute $5,000 from his church funds others took the lead and one even gave $25 K from his church’s funds. The total amount was over $100 K!

The 950 K was raised through various fund raising with contributions coming from donors. However the 100 K was generous contributions from men who were giving away funds of their churches. Then sources were not generous donors but from funds not approved by the congregations. It was unapproved funds.

I did inquire from someone about this and I was disturbed at the reply! “I would assume every man at that table was well within the allotted or set amount that they have been given permission to spend by their congregation without congregation or board approval. I know I was, our monthly income is over $300k a month.”

“I think you are having a hard time relating the budget and monies of where you pastored and those of most of the men in that room.”

I ask, “Do you think Loran Livingston was in his approved range to give $25,000.” Answer: “Yes, they take in almost a million dollars a month at Central, 6000 members and he has been at the church he planted 40 years.”

Doesn’t this imply ownership of Churches, control by the force of magnetic and charismatic leaders? Don’t you think all Church Of God churches should all operate under one constitutions. Congregation can operate under the determination of their own constitutions. Isn’t there a rule of accountability for all pastors?

These men gave over $100,000 from their congregations without prior approval and everyone of these men are convinced that they can do this and that they have their church’s approval.

They may call a chairman of the stewardship committee or their treasurer or even call a couple of the men but they don’t have the approval of the congregation. They dare not ask and in most cases know NOT to ask! They are the boss; this is their church. They have built it from the ground up and it is theirs.

Do they have the right to do this and would their congregations give them that specific authority?

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